Sunday, August 30, 2009

One more time (5)

PREVIOUSLY: 'Era, join me for dinner. I'll explain everything. And I'll prove to you that your mother, wasn't the saint you thought she was.'

'This sounds like a bore-fest to me, father. But sure, why not, and I hope you know I'm only agreeing because I'm hungry and haven't had dinner yet.'

MONDAY, AUGUST 31: It must now be pretty close to two am. I've been sitting here, in the pier, ever since I stormed out of dinner with my father some five hours ago. I leave my feet dangling in the water, and let the cool water ease my anger.

The glamorous dress I had worn to dinner, my father had made reservations at one of the fanciest restaurants on the island, was thoroughly destroyed. Perhaps it happened when I walked all the way from the restaurant to the pier, and I didn't even bother with pretenses of appearing human. A little boy in a car, stared at me open-mouthed as I walked in what must have seemed like a car going 50km an hour. Or maybe it was my expression, something between murderous rage and utter grief.

Somewhere behind me I hear a gentle thudding of feet. For normal human ears, the gentle sound would not have registered. But for me, not only could I hear the thudding of the feet, I could identify the gender and I could even identify who the footsteps belonged too.

'You're losing your touch, Hunter. I could have heard you from a mile away. What are you doing on this little island, and don't lie, you know I can tell when you do.'

'Hey, Era. I was following you, as usual. I heard the fight between you and your father. Are you alright? Do you want to be alone...?'

'Yea, Hunter, I want to be alone. Thanks for understanding.'

'No problem, I know the feeling. I'll make sure no one else joins us.'

Ugh! Some people are impossible! Hunter plunks down beside me, hanging his long legs down the edge of the pier as well. He's ruining his expensive leather shoes, but he doesn't care since he probably owns the factory that manufactured those shoes.

But I'm being rude, I haven't even properly introduced Hunter. His name is Hunter Venator, he's 25 and he's basically my blood mate.

Now hang on, a blood mate just means that he was the one who turned me into a vampire. Generally, the vampires will end up together, it's like a bond between us. We can sense when each other is in extreme danger, or is in an uncommon state of mind. The only problem is I'm still in love with Ian, and this fact annoys Hunter to no end. To Hunter, Ian is just another cookie-cutter human boy, so he doesn't see why I would rather have an Ian over himself.

Hunter has fine aristocratic features, a very sexy British accent and a huge fortune to his name. He has medium-long black hair which is a shock to his pale face, but all it does is emphasise his perfection. He has the most amazing eyes ever, it's an uncommon shade of blue, piercing and penetrating, but it also shows his huge capacity for cruelty. Hunter couldn't have been any more different from the other guys on this island, and your first reaction to Hunter would be to give him a huge berth and not get too close, unless you're suicidal. Once you get to know Hunter, you'll know you should have followed those first instincts and run for the hills. He screams adventure, and liveliness, but also danger.

And to Hunter's credit, he does outshine Ian where looks and money is concerned. I can't really explain it, but I'm never fully comfortable Hunter, the way I am...was with Ian. So long story short, Hunter being my blood mate and all, he follows me around a LOT. And we get along well, but whenever Hunter is around, trouble isn't far behind. I have to admit, I kinda fancy being around to watch what mischief Hunter will get into here, in my home.

'So, do you want to talk about it, Era?'

'My father knows you. How? And you knew the truth about my mother, why didn't you tell me? It looks like I can't trust you either Hunter!'



Nicholas-Salohcin said...

that was quick . keep up the good work

almatari said...

gosh. i love these.

Nijiru said...

The plot thickens. Let's see how Stephenie Meyer this becomes, or will this be a Maya original?

Cypher said...

hunterrrrrrr. nice name. (making the l4d hunter sound)

M said...

Yea, kinda stephanie meyer, darn! nvm..the story is still young, a lot more space for my cynicism and sadist persona to come true...any ideas though??

M said...

cypher: yea, thats the way to say have to purrrrrr it!! haha

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