Sunday, August 30, 2009

One more time (4)

PREVIOUSLY: I jump off my arm chair, so angry that my whole body is actually quivering. Given the opportunity I would have reduced the old toad into the ashes he deserved to be.

'How dare you?! How dare you ever bring up my mother, you filthy murderer?!'

SUNDAY, AUGUST 30: My father looks taken aback by my abrupt violent outburst.

'Now, Era, we must make sure to address that violent streak of yours, and it was developed shortly after your...transformation, I assume? Well, no worries, now that you're back home, we can turn you into the perfect lady of society, the perfect hostess and the perfect heir to my vast fortune.'

'Well, as much as a shock this may seem to you, I really don't give a damn about being a lady of society. And also, this is NOT my home, I'm only here so I can be by your side as you die, so I will be able to see you die, slowly preferably. Oh right, here's something that's been bothering me for a while now, how much did you bribe the police to not throw you in jail?'

I look into the face of the man I despise. And worse of all, this was the one person I admired in my younger days, the person I looked up to and the person who I wanted to emulate.

Not anymore though. I wanted absolutely nothing to do with this man, the man who I resembled so much. You have no idea the pain of looking in the mirror everyday causes me. Every time I want to fix my hair, I see his face, I see the face of the man who killed my mother. And the only thing I hated more than that, was the fact that I still loved him.

'Era, my dear, I didn't need to pay the police for anything. They ascertained that I was innocent. And my dear, do not be so quick to pass judgement, it's a very unappealing trait.'

'Don't tell me what to do. You let that right go the moment you killed my mother. I WILL NEVER take orders from you!'

'Era, join me for dinner. I'll explain everything. And I'll prove to you that your mother, wasn't the saint you thought she was.'

'This sounds like a bore-fest to me, father. But sure, why not, and I hope you know I'm only agreeing because I'm hungry and haven't had dinner yet.'



McWiggle J. J. S. S. Mc.B. said...

Reminds me of the telenovela days. lol. the dad seems very patient wit her. very detailed too. hmm. I like it

M said...

i was going for telenovela!! haha....mission accomplished. And thx!! XD

Train said...

Personally like this one, Cause i couldn't predict what would happen next. Try to do that more often!

M said...

awesome...thx train. XD

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