Friday, September 11, 2009

Thoughts (1)

Imagine having your every thought controlled and monitored.
Where anything you do or say is recorded.
If you went up against the RULER, you just disappeared. No one will ever hear from you again, and life would return to normal, soon enough people will forget your very existence.

Imagine being told what to do and how to do it.
Where THEY tell you how to tie your shoes, when to do it, and what the measurements must be.
Don't adhere to what THEY tell you, you disappear, never to be heard from again.
Not even your family would be reckless enough to go looking for you.

Imagine living in a world where there was no one that you could trust.
Where your on your own, relying on yourself and yourself alone.
If you were to let something slip to a friend or even a family member, THEY would come after you the next day.
You will be taken away, and never seen again.

Now, imagine growing up on this world. People are selfish and scared, angry and yet terrified. And really, there is only one thing to know...

Do something THEY don't like,
It would be as if you never even existed...

To be continued,


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