Sunday, September 6, 2009

One more time (12)

PREVIOUSLY: And the last thing I remember is falling into the pure bliss that only sleep can give

SUNDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER: I open my eyes, and am greeted by the feeble rays of the sun. I sit up in my bed and realize I’m still wearing the red dress from last night. I get up, wash up and change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and head down for breakfast, eager to know what happened after I fell asleep.

As I’m skulking around the house looking for everyone, I walk head first into Jasper.

‘Oh! Sorry! Morning Jasper, seen my dad?’

‘Good morning, Miss Cavanaugh. Your father is in the parlour entertaining a gentlemen who must be of some class.’

‘A gentlemen, you say? Say Jasper, what does this gentlemen look like?’

‘Well, he seems a lot darker than most of the boys here. Pale, with a shock of black hair, quite tall and has an attitude the size of the entire island and then some. I believe he goes by the name Mr. Venator.’

‘Hunter is here?! I’m off then, could you get me a drink and bring it to the parlour? Thanks Jasper, you’re a peach!’

As I head off to the parlour, I hear Jasper muttering under his breath, something about peaches and how he can’t imagine why he has to serve me. Chuckling, I enter the parlour.

‘Morning father! Hunter!!’

‘It’s barely morning anymore, Era. You really must wake up earlier! Imagine the impression you’ve left on Hunter here. Which reminds me, he shall be addressed as Mr. Venator to you.’

‘There’s really no need for that, Jason. Era and I have known each other for five years now. Hunter is perfectly fine. Morning sunshine, so what’s the plan for today?’

Hunter gives me one of his trademark smiles, and I notice that his nose has recovered fully, it was as perfect and straight as ever. I run my fingers over my lip and feel that it has completely healed. Thank god! This whole vampire thing does have it’s advantages...sometimes.

‘I need to hit the shops, buy some clothes. I also want to meet up with the old group, show them I’m still alive and thriving since I’ve left them.’

‘Oh, sounds like fun! What shall I wear?’

‘You want to come? But I’m meeting up with people like Ian, and his gang...’

‘No worries, if it means so much to you, you’re friends are my friends. And if he really gets on my nerves, I’ll imagine pulling him to pieces, slowly.’

Again that sweet, angelic smile.

‘Great, it’s a date then. Let me have a drink, change, then we’ll be off.’

‘Do I have any say in your activities for today, Era?’

‘No, father. But don’t worry, Hunter will keep an eye on me. I’m sure you trust Hunter to keep me out of trouble.’

‘Luckily for you, I do trust Hunter. Be good Era!’

‘When am I ever not, father?’

I exit the room chuckling, meet Jasper in the hallway, take the drink from his hands, say a brief thank you and I’m up the stairs and off to change.

One hour later and Hunter and I exit his Ferrari. Hunter is wearing a plain grey t-shirt, black jeans and a leather coat. He looks very yummy. Next to him, I seem over dressed. I’m wearing one of my very few skirts, a simple, figure hugging blouse. I didn’t bother with a jacket, because I didn’t have one that would compliment my outfit, hence I need to go shopping. As I step out of Hunter’s warm car, I internally kick myself for not wearing something warmer. I immediately start shivering. Hunter looks over at me and chuckles and hands me his leather coat. It’s very much too big for me, but it feels good.

We step into one of the upscale shopping centres, and I whirlwind about looking for clothes, especially for a jacket that would look good with this outfit. I didn’t want to meet up with my old friends unless I looked perfect. My dark locks were pulled back into a tight ponytail.

As I try stuff on, Hunter gives me his masterful advice and critics. An hour later, we leave the shopping centre empty handed, because he couldn’t find anything he thought suited me. By now it’s almost 2 o’clock, and unless everyone had kicked their old habit, they would all be at one of the nearby cafe’s.

As Hunter parks his car in the parking lot right outside the cafe, my heart flutters, I see a very tired Ian surrounded by my group of old friends. I see all of them staring in the direction of Hunter’s darkly tinted car and I can hear them talking about it.

Duke, whose face looks bruised and swollen from Hunter’s punch, nudges Ian and points at Hunter’s car. He lets out a low whistle.

‘Now whose car is that? Whoever it is, I suggest we make friends, huh guys?!’

They all start laughing, but I know Duke wasn’t kidding, he was very easily taken up by material possessions.



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