Saturday, September 19, 2009

One More Time (15)

PREVIOUSLY: I quickly jump up and head to the other end of the table and grab Hunter’s hand and yank him up. We head towards the door, and just as I’m about to open the door, I hear Ian shout out...

‘Era! Wait!’

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18: I turn back and Ian is standing up and heading towards us. He hands me Hunter’s coat that I had left on the back of my chair.

‘Oh! Thanks Ian. See you around, okay?’

‘Sure thing, Era’

He holds my gaze for a moment then takes a step towards me. The next thing I know, he’s hugging me and whispers in my ear,

‘Don’t wear Hunter’s coats. They don’t do you justice.’

Ian keeps me in that hug for a few moments, before Hunter loudly clears his throat. Ian then releases me, gives an incredibly smug smile to Hunter and heads back to the table, where Carolyn looks so mad, that I’m surprised smoke isn’t coming out of her ears and nose.

Hunter holds the door open for me, he’s wearing an expression that tells me he is exerting a lot of self control by not going up to Ian and ripping his head off. We head to Hunter’s car, where he holds the passenger side door open for me, and I slide into his comfortable black leather interior. He goes around and climbs in then starts the engine. He hits the accelerator and we zoom away from the cafe at a speed that would have caused any police patrol to come chasing after us with the sirens on.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Okay? Why wouldn’t I be? You just got hugged by that filthy Ian, it’s not like he hugged me or anything. Why should I have a problem with that?’

‘Please don’t be mad. I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was going to hug me. Come on, Hunter! I can’t stand you being mad at me.’

Hunter takes his eyes off the road, and looks at me, he gives me a small half smile and pulls over on the shoulder of the road. He turns in his seat, until he’s facing me, his right legged tucked under him.

‘I would never be mad at you, Era. Don’t worry about it, okay? I’m just pissed that that filthy human thought himself worthy enough to touch you. How about you though? Are you okay?’

‘Me? Of course I am, why would I be anything but fine?’

‘I saw your face when Carolyn kissed Ian. You looked so broken, and it was all I could do to stop myself from giving Ian a knock on the head!’

‘Oh. That. Well, I guess it’s not that big a deal, I mean he is her boyfriend after all. It’s just that I started hoping again, and he seemed to care...and I thought things would be different, after he said that he loved...’

But I was unable to continue my sentence. Hot tears started rolling down my cheek, and my breathing went shallow. Before I know it, I’m sobbing, I didn’t even realize how painful it was to watch Carolyn with Ian. Hunter gets out of the car and slams his door. I feel like kicking myself. Here I go again, spilling tears for Ian. Poor Hunter...

My door opens and Hunter crouches down beside my seat. He pulls me into a tight embrace and allows me to completely ruin his shirt with my tears. We just stay in that position until my sobs subside. Eventually he releases me and holds me at arm’s length.

‘Let’s head to your house, we can talk things over. I don’t really care for sight-seeing anyway. And honestly, don’t take this the wrong way, but you look a mess Era. Let’s get you cleaned up, then we can sit around your room and just goof off, sound good to you?’

He flashes me his smile again, and I can’t help but to smile as well.

‘Fine! But while I clean myself up, you have to get us a movie to watch and some hot chocolate for me to drink.’

‘Deal! I’ll even add those weirdo little marshmallows into your hot chocolate.’

Hunter chuckles and heads back to the driver’s seat. Ten minutes later, Hunter is parking his car in my father’s garage, and we walk up to the mansion. Jasper holds the doors open for the both of us and we head up the stairs to my room. I head off to the bathroom to make myself look presentable, while Hunter hunts for a movie and gets me my hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Half an hour later and the both of us are comfortably seated in my queen-sized bed watching some horrible movie Hunter found in my closet.

‘This is possibly the worst movie I have ever seen! In my entire life! And I’ve seen plenty of horrible movies.’

‘Why are you complaining? I found this movie in YOUR closet! It’s YOUR movie. Obviously SOMEONE used to have some pretty horrible taste in movies.’

‘Ugh! Whatever!’

I flick a spoon full of coloured rice at him, and half of it gets stuck in his hair.

‘Oi! Now I have to wash my hair...again! Thanks, Era!’

‘Hey! I feel like hitting the clubs tonight. Interested?’

‘Era, when have I ever said no to clubbing?’

So we pause the movie, grab our coats and head off to Hunter’s car. We end up driving around for a bit before stopping over at a random night club that seemed quite deserted. Now, I know it’s pretty dangerous to go to a deserted night club, but I’m a vampire, and I have Hunter, so I’m guessing that I’m pretty safe.

‘Hah! You are so not dressed for a night club, Era!’


Hey you guys! Decided to continue with the series after all. Haha. Don't worry, I have like 30 parts done already, so I'll just keep posting them. But please excuse the slowness, exams are approaching and the like. Anyway, thank you so much for all the comments on the previous installment. I loved your questions! Happy reading XD!


Nijiru said...

Welcome back :)

M said...

hahaha!! Nice to be back!! XD

StarShine said...

woots! XD

almatari said...


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