Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One more time (14)

PREVIOUSLY: ‘I knew today would be fun, Era!!’

TUESDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER: The next 2 minutes find me hugging Carolyn and pretending to give a damn about her. She’s squealing something about how exotic I look. Hunter stands opposite Ian.

Carolyn pulls back from me, and steps back towards Ian, who looks extremely uncomfortable.

‘Era, I want to tell you something, but I think it would be better if I showed you.’

She goes on her tip toes, and locks lips with Ian, who is utterly trying to squirm away. She’s facing me, and gives me a wink. I go weak in the knees, it was like a slap in the face. The lip locking goes on for longer than is appropriate in public, and then she finally pulls apart from Ian. She smiles at me and gives me an incomprehensible look, something between being smug and challenging me to say or do something.

‘Wow! You guys are a still a couple, huh? I’m impressed, I have to say, I never thought you two would last.’

‘Looks like you stand corrected, huh Era?’

Outwardly, she is being supremely friendly, but I know her intentions. I know this is all a show. And although I know, it still hurts to see the physical aspect of Ian belonging to someone else...

‘But Era, you’re being rude. Who is that charming guy by your side?’

Carolyn gives Hunter a flirtatious smile. How cheap.

‘Good evening, Miss Carolyn. My name is Hunter Venator. It’s truly a pleasure to meet you.’

Carolyn seems momentarily stunned. Hunter steps up to me and places his arm very subtly over my shoulder. Ian’s eyes zero in on Hunter’s arm, and I look up at Hunter and watch him give Ian a smug smile.

‘Wow! Where did you find him, Era? Some girls have all the luck. By the way, you two make the cutest couple!’

‘Knock it off, Carolyn! They are not a couple! Do you understand?! Hunter fancies himself, Era’s new best friend, he’s just kidding himself though.’

Ian releases his hand from Carolyn’s grip and walks back to his table.

‘Your boy friend has quite the temper, huh? Truly though, Era and I are best friends.’

‘That is so sweet! The two of you simply must join us at our table. We’ll pull some empty chairs and we can all catch up.’

‘Gee, that’s very kind of you Carolyn, but Hunter and I were planning on just finishing up here quickly then heading off.’

‘On second thought Era, I would love to meet your friends. Maybe we can do that thing we planned after we sit and have another drink with your friends. What do you say?’

Hunter turns to me, and he gives a fake questioning look. I know he has something up his sleeves, and I have to admit, I am pretty curious what trouble he’d get himself into this time.

‘Hmmm, I don’t know...but what the heck, right? Sure Carolyn, we’ll join you guys!’

So Hunter and I walk over to their table, and the others make space for the both of us. Unfortunately there are only two empty seats. One next to Carolyn and one next to Duke. And both of these seats are at opposing ends of the table. Hunter whispers very softly in my ears, that he would sit next to Duke. He doesn’t want me anywhere near Duke.

So I sit down next to Carolyn, and Ian immediately leans over Carolyn and starts talking to me. I see Carolyn’s facial expressions change, and laugh silently to myself. Hunter is busy ignoring Duke, who is glowering at him, and entertaining Emma with one of his humorous tales, judging from her laughter. How pathetic!

‘Era, the group of us are heading to my house after this, for tea and just to kick back. Join us?’

‘Oh, I’d love to, but I wouldn’t forgive myself if I ditched Hunter’

‘Nonsense, who said Hunter wasn’t invited? I’m sure Ian didn’t mean that! Besides, judging on what I’m seeing, Emma would have it no other way.’

Ian looks like Carolyn had just stuffed a lemon in his mouth.

‘Oh, actually, I’m a little busy after this. I had already planned out something for Era and my night. But if Era wants to go, then it not a problem whatsoever. I’ll sit it out though.’

‘Oh, what plans? Being naughty are we, Era?’

I don’t know whose face is redder, Ian’s or mine. Hunter is grinning widely, Emma looks a little upset at the prospect of Hunter not being around that night and Carolyn looks genuinely curious, waiting for my response, instead she got Hunter’s as I was blank on this pre-arranged night out.

‘Nothing much. And no worries, Era here isn’t being TOO naughty. Since I’m new here, Era was going to show me around a little, we planned on driving idly about, then having dinner and maybe catching a movie afterwards.’

‘That sounds like fun. Pardon me for asking, Hunter, but what car do you drive? I don’t mean to brag, but you might want to borrow Ian’s Lambo, it’s truly a luxury car.’

‘Right. But I don’t think I will be needing to borrow Ian’s car. I have one of my own actually. The red one, parked right outside.’

‘What model is that, dude?’

Duke asks Hunter, while looking at Hunter’s Ferrari wistfully.

‘Oh, nothing special. Just your average Ferrari Enzo.’

‘Nice car. Why did you go for a Ferrari though? Everyone knows a Lambo is the only way to go...’

‘I’m sure, Ian. But I want a car that fits my personality. I’m not trying to fit in with the crowd. Don’t you just hate those people who have no lives of their own, people who try to fit in? I find it absolutely pathetic!’

‘Hey Hunter! I think it’s about time we start heading out. It was nice meeting you guys, I’ll be seeing you around. Take care.’

I quickly jump up and head to the other end of the table and grab Hunter’s hand and yank him up. We head towards the door, and just as I’m about to open the door, I hear Ian shout out...

‘Era! Wait!’


Hey, you guys. Just wanted some feedback on this; I'm planning on stopping this story, maybe at the next instalment. I think I'm boring you guys. Any thoughts on this? I'm still trying to figure out whether to scrap this story, or keep it going...


Cypher said...

scrap it. this story has gone long already. it would be nice if you could use your imagination for a new story, new characters and a whole new enviroment.

Anonymous said...

but this story is niceeeee.....why would you wana scrap it..its interesting.dont scrap!!or not the story will be hanging.

Anonymous said...

dun stop . i guess the endin wud be rather interestin'

M said...


Nijiru said...

Majority wins, I guess.

M said...

Problem is, from the looks of it, the story is no where near the end...=.='

Anonymous said...

then go straight to the ending. in the end era with who?

Anonymous said...

is this like based on your life or something?

M said...

haha! yes..my life!! I have the oh so hot Hunter after me, and the sweet Ian!! Haha! I wish...

Unfortunately, life isnt that nice!! haha

Anonymous said...

so how did the characters 'come to life' anyway? i mean, were they all created based on your imagination?

almatari said...

please don scrap it ): i love it.

M said...

heya, anonymous! Umm..how did the characters come to life? Ummm...actually, a lot in there is about things that I have seen happen. Not necessarily to me, of course.

This is kind of embarassing, but every character there is someone I know. Or a mixture of people. So I guess the reason the characters are life-like is because, they are real people! haha

Anonymous said...

see, i thought so *grins smugly* the way you described them sounded a bit too 'real' if you get my drift. *grins again*

so you must be era right? and ian must be your crush... so is carolyn and hunter real too?

and please don't stop your stories. they're really cool.

M said...

Haha, anonymous!!!

Ummm, I suppose I can relate with Era. Dont know about your whole theory on Ian though ;) Carolyn is real and so is Hunter...

And dont worry, I'm continuing the story. Haha..i Love your questions, by the way!! XD

Anonymous said...

and i love your answers too *grins* and i am so sure that ian is real, too...

so, do you like, know what the ending is or are you going with the flow... you know, like wait to see in real life... if ian starts to go out with you, then era and ian will end up together, kinda thing? and this carolyn person, is she like a total bitch or is she just in love with ian? and how bout ian? is he like a total player? and hunter?

sorry bout the bizillion questions... i just adore love stories *grins*

M said...

Anonymous, hmmm, this is seriously awesome! Okay okay, before I answer your questions, who are you?? I mean i'm supposing you know me, but who....your turn to answer a question!

Okay your questions;
1) I dont know where its going. It kinda depends on my mood as I write...
2)Carolyn is real. She sint a total bitch, she truly loves Ian
3)Ian isn't a player. He didnt realise how much he loved Era until she left. But he was laready stuck to Carolyn, and dint want to break her heart (awwww)....
4) What abt Hunter??

anonymous uncovered- sara w. said...

haha.. fair enough.. typical me, so tied up with myself that i forget to play nice... anyway, i don't know you.. i mean, i know that your name is maya and i've read your blog, but that's about it... my name is sara wong, and i'm from pahang... kuantan to be exact... i kinda stumbled upon this blog while i was blog hopping, so... *grins sheepishly*

so, since i've answered your question, its my turn again haha!... okay, i suppose you wanna know why i'm asking so many questions... well, to tell you the truth, me and my friends kinda had the same idea as you and your pals, and since i had no idea what and how to write, i figured i could take a few hints from you... that okay??

and if it is, here are the questions *laughs*

oh, wait.. one more thing... i would appreciate it if you could like answer my questions based on the 'real' people behind the characters... coz i plan on writing my story based on my life too, and i just wanna see how you cover up and blend fact with fiction...

1. is hunter era's best friend???
2. what about the guy from one of your previous installments??? the athlete person.. .where does he fit in??? how is he connected to the main characters?
3. does era hate carolyn??? are they still besties??
4. does/ did ian like carolyn first or was it the other way round???
5. does ian truly like era??? does she know? does carolyn know???

haha... i suppose that's about all for now.. again, really appreciate it if you can answer it based on the real people/... thank you a gazillion times!!!

M said...

Haha! Okay cool...ummm, I'd truly love to tell you the whole juicy story, but here's the problem,it's an open blog...and well, I'm sure you get it.

Perhaps you could e-mail me? Then you could ask me whatever and I'll answer you, more directly. Here's my e-mail: maya_amrita93@hotmail.com (just leave your name on the e-mail, so it wont go to my junk file! XD)

Okay, so now for your questions (superficially):
1)Hunter is Era's new best friend
2)He plays his part later on, dont want to spoil it, just yet
3)Umm..good question. Yes, she does hate Carolyn, and you will see it in more focus later on
4)Yes, hence he's stuck
5)Yes, Partially, Partially!

Haha...so get back to me via e-mail, and we can 'talk' more freely. Good luck with your story. Any chance you'll blog it?? If so, pls leave me a link, I'd love to read it! Thanks...

sara said...

hey maya... i sent u a message already... thanks again!

M said...

hey sara. Are you sure you sent it to the right address? I dont seem to have received any msg's from you...

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