Friday, September 18, 2009

A Not So Ordinary Life Chap. 3

This story is a compilation of occurrences throughout the week. Most of them happening to my close friends. Reader discretion is advised. (As always)


“A-a-a-….ART!?!” She shouted at me. Though I wouldn’t blame her, walking in on someone while their naked with their half-naked(and very horny) roommate does require a very big reaction. With my Beanie pulled over my eyes and my head titled upwards, I quickly try to explain, but in the current situation, only gibberish escapes my mouth.

“Art? WOW. This boy's hotter than I thought, even his name turns me on.” I’d rather not describe this part right here. I realized that Amber felt very insecure, so I just started for the door when Amber suddenly darts out to grab my arm with an alarming ‘wait’. With my beanie over my eyes, I couldn’t really see her facial expressions, but by the tone of her voice I could tell she wanted to do some explaining herself.

“Since, it’s clear that you’re not into… well, peeking, I guess I don’t mind staying like this.” I feel her gaze focus completely on me, not knowing when she will put on some clothes, these just increase my distress in the room. She softly lifted the beanie from sheltering my eyes, and assured me I could open them. Slowly, I opened my eyes and watched as she sat there next to, whoever her roommate is, still in that towel. I flushed red when I saw a bit of her cleavage, which made me reluctantly look up at the ceiling.

“He’s so cute like that! Amber, can I have him please? Please!” pleaded the roommate.

“No. Just because you’ve taken the virginity of like, a HUNDRED guys doesn’t mean you can take his. Besides, he’s an old friend. I would never do that to him.” She said, protecting me. I was amazed how matured she acted in a situation like this. Both of us got a sudden shock when she suddenly stormed out of the room in only her lingerie.

“What was that abo- wait! Who is she?” I asked.

“My roommate, her name’s Cherie. Perky isn’t she?” She and I shared a short but warm laugh at that statement. “So….”She continued. “Let me start. How’d you get here? Which school are you going to?”

“Well,” I started, “Let’s just say I had an incident with a certain owner of this apartment building. Since I needed a room, she gave me the very best one. As for school, I’m starting tomorrow.” I left out the school, knowing she’d ask anyway.

“And… The name of the said school?” She asked. I shrugged. “Well, if I told you that, it wouldn’t be fun now, would it?” I say, as I lightly touch her nose.

She turned a bright pink in the cheeks, both of us remembering how that was usually the spot that tickled her the most. “Missed me?” I looked at her in surprise.

“Definitely.” I said firmly.

“By the way, I asked you questions. It should be your turn now. Anything you want to ask me?” I thought about it for a moment. What could I really ask in this situation? There was nothing really significant that I needed to know. It’s not like we had to share our time apart to each other right? Not yet anyway.

“Nope, well, yeah I do actually.” Not knowing why I added that last statement.

“And? What is it?”

“You look as beautiful as ever Amber. I’m glad we could meet again. Let’s get together some other time to catch up some more because I doubt this is the best situation to be confessing stories to each other.” I motioned to her towel. She flushed and frantically looked at the ground, fiddling with her fingers. “It might not mean much to you...” She looked up at me as I started, “But, I value the fact that we’re friends. A lot. Amber…” I move closer to her but she pushes me away. Knowing I shouldn’t have said ‘Amber’ when the talent wore off. I just turned and walked away. I turn back one last time and look at her, that deep, warm gaze staring back at me. I just smiled at her. That was all I could manage without my talent.

As I walked slowly to the elevator; I was bored so I decided to count down the steps to the corner to the elevators’. 18… 10… 6… 4… 2… 1…. And before I knew it I was looking at the ceiling, head throbbing and consciousness slowly fading….

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ (Cool Transition time~!)

“Whoa. Art?” I couldn’t believe I actually manage to knock him out with a glass coke bottle. It just slipped from my grip, so when I tried to grab it in midair (all Matrix-Style) I accidentally punch it and send it flying to this unsuspecting guy turning the corner, who turns out to be the guy I just happen to want to sleep with.

He is right there in front of me, and I can do whatever I want with him. Drug him, and bring him to some broom closet or just do it right here. And yet….

It still wouldn’t be right. Intercourse was supposed to be special, even someone like me knows that. Not some One Night Stand, it has to be an action of infatuation over the other counter-part. So I did the only thing I could do. I checked his pockets and found his key card numbered ‘211’. Rich boy, to be living in the grand suite level. So I dragged him over the corner and into the elevator to bring him back to his room.

Just like any other innocent bystander in lingerie would do.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ (Cool Transition time again~!)

I saw her drag him past the corner. I mean, how could I leave him just like that? I should have said something. Instead, I just made him angry. Ugh! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! I was chasing her, when the elevator closed. The numbering on the top of the door showed 15… 17… 20… She was going to have him. In HIS OWN ROOM?! I have to stop this. What if that maid of his finds out, or worse… Joins in?!?

I spammed the elevator button so I could go up, but that’s the one downfall of being in a big hotel. The elevators take forever to reach your floor. I had put on a quick night gown before I went out, so running up the stairs was out of the question. I didn’t really know why I wanted to help Art. I mean, he’s a friend, but it’s not like I owe him or anything, Right? But still… My heart beats wildly whenever I see him. I long for him to embrace this… these… feelings I have for him. Why doesn’t he have the same!? It’s like at sometimes, he charms you to no ends but at other times, he just seems so clueless! It’s infuriating!

The Elevator reaches.

I step in, determined to save the guy whom I have longed for all these years.

I guess its love, or jealousy. Whatever it is, I hope I’ll be there for him when he needs me.

(Finished)*Just imagine it’s in some cool language*



Nijiru said...

A TON of grammatical errors, correct them, please know differences between they're and their. And ur apostrophes. Apartly from being OVERLY kinky, really like ur transition idea, good story overall.

Nijiru said...

Correction, no "they're' and 'their' mistakes. Sorry!

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